A scary thought!
One thing that's really been highlighted to me through the message boards lately is how important it will be for me or for anyone having this surgery to follow the eating plan post surgery, especially for the first 9-12 months as this is the time when you will lose the most weight. You have to grab this opportunity right now, you can't blow the opportunity because at that point the weight loss will slow and it will become harder and harder to lose any more. For that period of time you have to put everything aside, all your cravings, all your desires, all your hang ups with food - they have to go out the window so you can put everything you have into creating a whole new life.
So, I bought off ebay a tupperware gym kit - I've always wanted one, so now I've splurged and finally got one - will definitely come in handy after surgery but also for now because I'm doing hydrotherapy. The kit comes with a gym bag, a microfibre towel, water bottle, lunch box, two snack cups and two bottles for like, shower gel and shampoo etc. I can't wait to get stuck into aqua aerobics and aqua zumba - so fun! I also went and bought myself a testing kit to test for the presence of ketones in my system - and the result.....well and truly positive! Hoorah! I also weighed myself yesterday and then due to some digestive "issues" (thanks veggies that I shouldn't be eating!!!) so I weighed in again tonight and I am currently sitting on 141.95. I also called the Oclinic for the following info:
Starting Weight at Initial Consult: 148.6kgs
Second Consult: 146kgs
Weight yesterday: 143.5kgs
Weight today: 141.95
So the numbers are definitely coming down - a relief to say the least. My initial goal was to get under 140 before my op, looks like I'm going to smash that goal - perhaps I'll set a new one for under 135 before my surgery. Wouldn't that be something! I've still got two weeks to go so it's possible!
So here's some pics from the last few days :)
My positive ketone test - in case you don't know, thats a ++ reading! :) :) I thought for just a second about keeping the test but then I thought that would be just weird and gross!
These are my attempt at stuffed mushrooms - complete with a wierd combination of shaved brocolli, herbs, tomato, capsicum, onion and tomato paste (all approved ingredients!) - they weren't fantastic but they were ok!
This was one of my very first meals - steamed broccoli and cauliflower topped with a tomato based roast capsicum and garlic sauce and grilled mushrooms - pretty good even though before this I didn't really like mushrooms much!
My new scales complete with inspirational stickers!!!
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