And surprise surprise, she picked the one obvious thing - my weight.
It's not the first time I've been the subject of bullying, and not just at school either. I've been seriously abused and bullied in the workplace because of people's prejudices against me because of my weight issues. There are those in this world who will look at someone who is overweight and who will be repelled and disgusted by what they see much like some would be by disabled people or by a certain race, skin colour or any other physical trait. I learnt that the hard way. As shocking as it was for me in the beginning of my adult life, I'm not shocked by it anymore. It's just sad.

This journey has become SO MUCH BIGGER than just the size of my body or the clothes I wear, or even the number of my scales. It's become about saving my life. I see this as a necessary, life saving procedure just like any other, and I know that I will be exactly the same person after I lose the weight as I am right now. I'll just live a longer more active life, and that's what I want.
I guess its because this has become so much bigger that I just dont sweat this stuff anymore. At the end of the day, it says more about her than it does about me and that's the truth. When I turn up to work next week, I wont be treating her any differently than I do now. I'll of course be wary about what I tell her, and everyone for that matter, because obviously there are people in my office who dont have my best interests at heart - but I wont let this stupid thing steal my joy or even taint the way I interact with people. I'll forgive, and move on, and I'll lose the weight for the sake of my health, not because I want some shallow person I don't even know that well and who certainly doesn't know me, to approve of me.
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